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Fennel ground 350gr

Fennel ground 350gr
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Fennel ground 350gr
Reference : 00010099
Fennel: Origin Mediterranean, Egypt, China and India, also called: sweet anise, pig tail. The Egyptians knew its tonic properties and distributing the slaves building the pyramids. Cultiviée all in the South and West of France. Presentation stems, seeds, umbels cut before maturity, the scourge beaten before being winnowed, chopped. for grilled fish (bass, red mullet) rods used. Haché: sauces, vegetables, stews, sauerkraut. Seeds: pickled gherkins, cucumbers, capers, roasted meats, vegetables, olives, bread, cheese, cakes. Liqueurs: in the manufacture of anisette Chartreuse and absinthe anethole for flavored pastis is mainly extracted from fennel and more rarely of star anise or anise.
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