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Apples Tapées de La Loire 1 kilo

Apples Tapées de La Loire 1 kilo
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Apples Tapées de La Loire 1 kilo
Reference : FC0163
From the end of the 18th century, Rivarennes was the Mecca of the tradition of tapped pear. From September, vigils were organized to "trim" (peel) the fruits. It was heated three days during the ovens before baking the "powdered" arranged on racks or rings. After several batches, the fruits were flattened with a "platissouerre" then dried and packaged in wicker sticks. The arrival of industrial conservation processes was to cause, around 1930, the disappearance of the tapped pear. From this period, there are still many hundred year-old "full wind" pear trees: pear trees from "cure", "Colmar", "Petit vert", "Aigre Papin" ... which still provide hard, winter pears, sometimes acidic; transformed, they become delicious sweet pears.

Plain Taped Pears: They are tasted plain like a dried fruit, especially the "Aigre-Papin" and "Conférence" varieties, but they are much better rehydrated.

The rehydration method (for apples or pears) always involves cooking with small broths in a liquid depending on the use chosen.
Rehydration begins in a liquid that is cold for the pear and boiling for the apple, taking care to turn the fruit to ensure perfect homogeneity.
The degree of rehydration is judged with the tip of a knife inserted into the pear (or apple) as is done with potatoes in water and varies according to the varieties of pears or apples.
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2025-12-31 54.2454.24
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