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7 spice mixture Japan Ground 400 gr

7 spice mixture Japan Ground 400 gr
7 spice mixture Japan Ground 400 gr
Reference : M008
7 spice mixture Japan or Shichimi Togarashi:
It is an indispensable condiment to spice blend 7 Japan Ground 400 gr
Japanese, based on the togarashi (dried red pepper). We manufactures the addition of six ingredients: Sansho, ginger, shiso, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, the ao-nori, the chinpi (skin dried tangerine) and hemp seeds. That's why we call this mixture 'shichimi' ', since it is a mixture of' seven flavors ''.
The chosen ingredients are different in different regions. In the kitchen of the Kanto region (eastern Japan), which is more spicy, the shichimi-togarashi is rather spicy. Whereas that of Kansa (western Japan), which is lightly seasoned, the shichimi-togarashi feels stronger.
The shichimi-togarashi was born 400 years ago. It is considered an effective condiment for health, because each of its ingredients was used as a médicament.On used among others for soba, udon, yakitori, miso-shiru, etc.
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2025-12-31 24.0024.00
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